Thursday, April 29, 2010

when you get the chance

I woke up this morning at ... too early. Feeling like crap. Feeling sick, tight, sore, just horrible. I haven't done yoga or worked out all week, and I've eaten terribly.
I threw on my workout clothes with every intention of going to the gym after I met for my group project.
It's windy outside. It's making my chest tight, my head ache, and my throat kill.

Forget it. I drove home instead of to 24 hour fitness. And made lunch.

Now, I'm sitting in my bed, watching the view, eating a shrimp salad at 10am. And I couldn't feel happier or love myself more right now. After this I'm going to shower and go shopping, even thought I should be on a budget.
Some days, you just gotta do what you want. What you really want.

Some days, you gotta dance.

True, I might have days like these all too much. I have two responses to that right now.
1. so?
2. oh well.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

take me home

I've been meaning to write.
I've been wanting to write... something.

I can't believe I've been doing this for 5 months now. Wow. over time. I'm really taken back.

I can't seem to figure out what the words are right now. This is all I have for me: Country Roads

The rest will be soon to follow.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

honesty is the best policy

even if it sucks for while

at least you have to had done the right thing.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


I love yoga. I love exercising too-going for runs and such. Sometimes, a lot lately, I've been a little UN-motivated. It's just that sleep feels so good...and so on.
And then, when I sleep all afternoon instead of practicing yoga for an hour and a half, I hate myself all day long for it.
When my job search is unmotivated because I keep finding myself applying for jobs I don't want and pretending I'm someone I'm not, I hate myself all day long for it.

So that's it. I'm following my own mantra even though I didn't practice today. let it go. Enjoy what you're doing.
I cooked lunch, I'm watching will and grace, I'm doing a facemask, and I'm going to finish this book :-) What's so bad about that?

Monday, April 12, 2010

he said the earth needed this cleansing and I said so did we

Today while it rained outside I was inside. Inside practicing, meditating, and sweating. I was practicing being inside that room.

When a thought comes to your mind let it go. If you feel nauseous or dizzy, let it go. whatever comes up; let. it. go. And that shall be my mantra...or something.

I've been trying to figure out what I want out of the next fewplus weeks. I've been trying to plan for after them, and I've been trying to enjoy them. All at the same time. I've been overwhelmed.

Stay cleansed and stay fresh. Whatever that means for you. For me it means exercise and health. For you maybe something different. Stay energized. Stay inspired. It'll help you stay present = that is what I want out of the next fewplus weeks.

If I am here I want to stay here, not outside of here where it is raining. Just here where I am being. Whatever comes up let it go and come back here.

That's nice and airy for you

Monday, April 5, 2010

taking a swim

I've decided to become a pescatarian. Until graduation.
I see it as an interest. I'm interested in my health, I'm interested in taking care of animals ... have you SEEN Food Inc?

I'm excited. It's something I can do for myself. To honor myself, my body, the earth, some animals. hah.

Last night I spent time with some of my friends that I l.o.v.e. and wondered if when we're all done here, I'll ever have friends like this again.
these are my friends like that. They'll be those friends forever .. I mean, we're 22. It's time that something lasts. And doesn't get erased when we move forward.
If this really is the beginning of the the rest...I want to start it here, with them.