Monday, May 31, 2010

practice makes perfect

stillness, peace of mind, calming down.

All ideals. Things you want; say you have.

Then you start to practice.
Practice stillness, practice peace of mind, practice calming your body.
Practicing these things, is different. so. different. than thinking about these things.
Life changing really.

If you don't practice? How can you do/get these things when you want to?
It doesn't make sense at all.

My first day she said "I don't understand how people don't do yoga"
Now I understand exactly what she meant. And I don't get it either.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

the ways you're manifested throughout my life

Started packing to move out of Orange today. Packing could also mean organizing the past past four years and filtering what will make it to the next chapter and what ends here.

I found my journal. I started this almost a year ago. I didn't want to read it, or reminice. I've had plans in my mind to throw away this journal for a few weeks now. I knew exactly what was in it. A struggle. You weren't supposed to be the topic of this journal, but you were.

I flipped to the last page I had written on, just to see the last time I wrote. It was marked Feb 10. And I had written.
"I am happier now."

and so it ends there

Saturday, May 29, 2010

this time around

finding peace among chaos. peace among adrenaline.

In yoga, we practice engaging in focus and great intensity for one minute or 30 seconds at a time, then coming back to peace and rest for 20 seconds. And going back and forth between this intense mental and physical struggle and peace, rest, and relaxation. The more I practice this on my mat, I can feel my soul practicing this off the mat.
(It helps to stay out of crisis)

You might just be my person. You email me, we talk, I see your name, I hear your voice; my heart races. My body freezes. My mind goes chaotic. (still.) But, now I come back. I'm in a better place for you now. After the moment of adrenaline, stress, struggle, chaos; after you fill up my mind for a moment, you don't anymore. and - I come back.

Perhaps you are another posture to practice. Or something like that.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

then shit got real

My roommate just moved out. for the summer. She's coming back next year, but I won't be here.
The reality is setting in. Summer is here. This year is over.

A while ago (probably around when I started this blog) I didn't think I would make it to this day. I couldn't imagine what it would look like. It wasn't real. It didn't have a picture. It didn't exist.

I can't believe I'm here again. Alone, in this house during the summer. Nothing to do. Too much freedom. With feelings, ooh the feelings. All to similar to the feelings I felt last time I was here; like this. Same feelings of loneliness, confusion, roller coaster waves, and you. It feels eerily the same.

At least this time I know what to do with them.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

a card

Life Lesson No. 15

Do what you love...

It's what the world needs from you...
it's what you were meant to do.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

on graduation

I am a sociology major. I love sociology, I live sociology, I breathe sociology, I see it everywhere and in everything. I have learned sociology. My life is sociology and I love it.

Top things I've learned in sociology.
1. life is unfair.
2. everyone is crazy and weird but whatever society you grew up in thinks its okay. you're fine.
3. white men rule the world, and probably always will. If you're a minority women - you're screwed.
4. sociology has given me a heart; made me empathetic; taught me to walk in other people's shoes and want to listen to their stories and give value to every voice.
5. women have internalized their oppression so much that most don't even know it
4. question everything. media, books, images, words, everything you take in. What is the bias? What is the motivation? No one and no thing is objective. Question everything. Question reality.
5. everyone wants control.
6. theory is foundation.
7. Tibetan buddhists got it right. If I ever go to Tibet, I doubt I'll return.
8. no matter how you look at it, we're greedy. people commit suicide when times are good because they can't get happy enough.
9. people are animals, we only pretend not to be (relate to number 2)
10. believe in yourself. your experience is the only one that matters. everyone lives in their own world and you are just a part of some one else's and they are yours. believe and follow your heart.

"A mind that questions everything, unless strong enough to bear the weight of its ignorance, risks questioning itself and being engulfed in doubt. If it cannot discover the claims to existence of the objects of its questioning -- and it would be miraculous if it so soon succeeded in solving so many mysteries -- it will deny them all reality, the mere formulation of the problem already implying an inclination to negative solutions. But in so doing it will become void of all positive content and, finding nothing which offers it resistance, will launch itself perforce into the emptiness of inner revere." Emile Durkheim

Monday, May 17, 2010

you are stronger than you think

I pulled off the band aid. I'm glad I did, but it still hurts.

I have understanding now. I'm not angry anymore, I'm not upset, I'm not confused. Everything is fine now. I don't feel unwell anymore. But. I feel like we just broke up a gain. Being peaceful with you brings that, and it makes me feel sad. I feel so loud, and I want these emotions to quiet down.

(skinny love

They will.

How do we go (on) from here?

It'll pass, probably.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

expect love

Maybe I'm too hard on my friends.
When I am wholeheartedly genuine and kine, and give my love and loyalty always - I expect that back.

I've recently come up with a few rules for real friends.
1. do NOT leave a club without telling your best friend you are leaving - even if you didn't come with them
2. you don't get to be mad at a friend for something they did when they were drunk - especially if they were crying and/or upset
3. always check to make sure they got home okay
4. if they were upset the night before, care enough to ask if they are okay later. no matter what happened.
5. don't pretend you have time for a friend if you don't. just make time when you have it and be honest.

HMM.. is that really too much to ask?

When someone is so special and so genuine to you, can't you give it back

Thursday, May 13, 2010

laying in bed all day causes trouble

tell me that writing you was not a mistake.
tell me that I'm stronger now.
tell me that I'm smarter than I was before.
tell me that you care.
tell me that I can let go easier now.
tell me that I've learned.
tell me that I don't care as much as I feel it coming on.
tell me I'm stronger now, tell me I'm better.
tell me that it had and has to be dealt with sometime, anyways.
tell me that it was going to happen - that it had to.
tell me that it wast not a mistake.

it was not a mistake
it was going to happen
there's too much. just so much.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Perhaps this is the calm before the storm. I hope not. I don't think I can endure another storm.

I haven't felt this calm in forever. I'm not worried about finding a job, or stressed about moving. Maybe I really am starting to believe that everything really will be okay.

This is the weirdest time of my life so far. upon graduation. I don't know how to deal with closing this chapter that I'm either ignoring it, or being okay with it. Either way, I'm staying present and just enjoying every minute. And it's pretty good.

Every body needs a day of rest anyways.